The Foundation was established in 2005 as a trust (ABN 63 425 376 446). Kain Foundation Pty Limited (ACN 115 024 309) is the trustee of the Foundation. The Foundation is a public ancillary fund and has been endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a deductible gift recipient. Click to donate. All donations to the Foundation are tax deductible.
The Foundation is governed by a board that consists of five Directors. Sitting underneath the Board is the Executive Officer and resources provided by Kain Lawyers that support the operations of the Foundation. The board of directors operates in accordance with the Foundation’s governance policies and the Australian Taxation Office’s requirements for public ancillary funds.
The Board currently comprises:
- John Kain (Founder and Chair)
- Mark Booth
- Jan Turbill
- Evan Polymeneas
- Alison de Kleuver