
The Uganda Project 2017 – Day 2

We had a few challenges with wifi/internet access, so posting this blog a day late – we should catch-up over next few days. It was a great start to Tuesday with a yummy omelette breakfast (and 5 donuts for Scott) and then finally getting to meet the man we’d heard so much about.  Remmy is a Sr. Driver with Adventure Expeditions, and lives up to his great reputation set by past trippers of an engaging, informative, and amusing guide.  A real insight into…

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The Uganda Project 2017 – Day 1

Today’s post will be a bit shorter – as it’s already technically Day 2 and time to get some shut eye. Several of our team got up early this morning for a run in the street of Kampala – what a great way to kick the jet lag and get to know the city.  After a yummy brekkie complete with samosas and spring rolls, we set off to Bulesa, a primary school on the outskirts of Kampala, and one that Kain Foundation…

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The Uganda Project 2017 – Day 0

Welcome to our blog for the 2017 Uganda trip.  We’ll aim to post updates most days of our trip written from the perspective of each of the trip participants.  This is Lisa (Kain Foundation Commercial Manager) writing for Day 0 as I arrived Saturday afternoon.  The rest of our team is: Nick, Michael, Madelaine, Scott, Sharon and Evan representing Blue Sky Alternative Investments, Kain Lawyers, Halpin Financial Services, and Salisbury High School. I departed  a wet and cold Adelaide on Friday…

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Corporate philanthropy: growing through giving

Kain Lawyers exists to create opportunities for their clients businesses, their team and the community. The Kain Foundation is proud of the role we’ve played in bringing an enriched form of corporate philanthropy to our corporate partners, including founding partner Kain Lawyers. We think this feature in the Weekend Australian highlights exactly how we create these opportunities.

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The Uganda Project 2016 – Day 10

For our last ‘work day’ we rode bikes through Gulu village. Patrick, an entrepreneurial young man with a micro tourism business, hires out the bikes of locals. What an assortment of rickety two wheelers they were. Lachie’s had next to no brakes and mine was missing a pedal! We toured around and were met with amusement as the locals didn’t think muzungas knew how to ride bikes! We rode to Watoto’s Living Hope Centre which rehabilitates woman displaced by war…

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The Uganda Project 2016 – Day 9

The team arrived in Gulu last night. I was treated to the Royal Suite, complete with Kardashians on TV, after a room mix up. Gerry was pretty jealous, he really likes the Kardashians. Today we visited Watoto’s Laminidera Village at Gulu. Lachie pulled out his magenta shirt, and Gerry, being from the Geordie Shore, then had to step up his game; he applied his Ugandan spray tan (red dirt) and off we went. Laminidera is an excellent example of how…

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The Uganda Project 2016 – Day 8

Today we headed North to Gulu. Before heading off on our 6 hour road trip we visited Missionaries for the Poor. This is a Christian organisation that runs two homes for orphans and disabled people that others can’t or won’t care for. As with all the places we’ve visited we were welcomed warmly and our donations received gratefully. But I couldn’t help feeling that, despite the warmth in the welcome, the Brother who spent time with us felt he had…

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The Uganda Project 2016 – Day 7

We were all quite pumped on Saturday morning, looking forward to a run around with the Kids for Africa group. Marvin, an ex-footballer who leads this group, gives underprivileged children a focus through soccer and netball, which takes them off the streets and away from crime and drugs. Having Skyped home for well wishes and, in the case of one of our group, some sage advice (“remember Mum, you don’t need to be too competitive, they’re only kids”) we headed…

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The Uganda Project 2016 – Day 6

Day 6 was an incredibly uplifting one. After seeing the challenges facing the Kkoba Community on Day 5, including alcohol abuse, family violence and a lack of employment opportunities, it was so encouraging to see the impact the Foundation’s new community partners, The Real Uganda and Hopeline are having just down the road. The day began with a two hour drive from Kampala to Mayindo Village, picking Leslie from The Real Uganda and Tony from Hopeline along the way. Our…

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Kain Foundation
The Foundation is a public ancillary fund and has been endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a deductible gift recipient. ABN 63 425 376 446.