During this coming week the team are visiting two of the Kain Foundation’s projects in Uganda: the Kkoba project and the Junior Landcare Project.
We left Adelaide on Saturday, 11 August and arrived in Entebbe, Uganda Sunday 12 August.
On the flight from Dubai to Entebbe I sat next to a young Ugandan woman who had been working in Dubai for three years and was returning home to her family. She helped me learn some Lugandan words, such as water (amazzi). However if this is mispronounced, it means s***. I was grateful she let me know this!
After making our way through immigration and customs we were warmly welcomed by Angel and Geoffrey with hugs and fist pumps. We had a quick stop near the lake and Angel gave us a cultural induction… we also met a few more locals (see photo below). A key takeaway from the induction was to keep an open mind. Angel and Geoffrey then told entertaining stories of previous trips and participants. I wish i could share them – but what happens on tour stays on tour.
We made our way from Entebbe through Kampala to Seeta. During the drive I smelt the burning of rubbish, heard minibuses and motorcycles beeping and saw mudbrick houses separated by palm trees.
The Ugandan people are extremely welcoming, hospitable and they love to joke around! I am really looking forward to the week and learning more about the Kkoba project and the Junior Landcare project.
Sara Ucci (aka Ooch)

Briefing with Angel and Geoffrey

View of the Lake for the Briefing

Getting to Know the Locals

Beautiful Ugandan Sunset
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