This year we celebrate 10 years since the Kain C+C Charitable Foundation began! Our journey from humble beginnings bringing together Kain C+C team members to volunteer their time at the local soup kitchen to the very first Uganda Project trip in 2009, to 2011 joining The Smith Family on mentoring programs, to 2014 when the Foundation successfully completed its fifth Uganda Project trip and built its first house in Davoren Park SA with Habitat for Humanity.
Have we been successful? Always a strange question to ask in the field of philanthropy… what is success?
Perhaps success for us is more about highlights, about those moments you realise that your support has done something, however small, to help others live a life further from poverty and disadvantage. A life with more fulfilment, a life with a little more hope.
Since 2009, our highlights have been:
- Providing safe and secure homes for 48 children who now life in houses we have built in Uganda
- Providing homes for 3 widows in Uganda who now have children to care for and call their family
- Helping to save the lives of more than 85 women who have now had access to quality healthcare during child birth (read the UACO Hospital operating theatre)
- Providing opportunities for 30 students a year to be mentored and inspired by Adelaide business employees
- Providing a home for Tracey and her children in Adelaide who now have a safe and secure house to live in as part of our work with Habitat for Humanity’s Building Program
One of the things we pride ourselves on is that 95% of all of our donations go directly to projects – projects that provide opportunities for children and youth to live a more fulfilling life.
Our Corporate Partners invest significant time and financial resources into the Foundation and it is the Board’s view that is is extremely important that the Foundation directs these resources into helping those less fortunate in our community. The Foundation is acutely aware of the great trust bestowed upon it by our Corporate Partners. To honour that trust the Foundation is committed to ensuring that administrative costs do not exceed an expense ratio of 5% of contributions received.
Here at the Kain Foundation, we want to say a huge THANK YOU for all your support!
You have a few more hours to donate to us and receive a tax deductible receipt in FY15. DONATE HERE